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  ### 湖北鄂州市手机屏蔽仪出租租赁成功案例


  #### 项目背景


  #### 租赁服务详情

  1. **设备选型**:缘通租赁根据考场面积、建筑结构及信号覆盖需求,精心挑选了多款高性能手机屏蔽仪,确保在不影响周边居民正常生活的前提下,实现考场内手机信号的全面屏蔽。

  2. **安装调试**:在租赁合同签订后,缘通租赁的专业技术团队迅速行动,于考前一周内完成了所有设备的安装调试工作。他们不仅确保了设备的稳定运行,还针对可能出现的突发情况制定了应急预案。

  3. **使用培训**:为确保学校工作人员能够熟练操作设备,缘通租赁还提供了详细的操作培训,包括设备的开关机、信号强度调节及日常维护等,确保了在考试期间设备能够顺利运行。

  4. **租赁周期与费用**:本次租赁服务覆盖了高考期间的全部考试时间,租赁费用合理透明,无任何隐性消费,充分展现了缘通租赁的诚信与专业。

  #### 客户反馈



  #### 成功举办的细节

  - **精准布局**:缘通租赁的技术团队通过实地考察,结合考场布局,制定了科学的设备安装方案,确保了信号屏蔽的全面性和均匀性。

  - **实时监测**:租赁期间,缘通租赁还提供了远程监测服务,实时监控设备运行状态,确保在第一时间发现并解决问题。

  - **灵活调整**:针对个别考场因建筑结构特殊导致信号屏蔽效果不佳的情况,缘通租赁迅速调整方案,增派设备或调整设备位置,确保了整体效果。

  #### 结语



  ### English Version

  **Success Story of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Ezhou City, Hubei Province**

  In the digital age, safeguarding information security and maintaining order has become paramount, especially in specific settings such as exam environments, important meetings, and confidential work areas. YuanTong Leasing, a leading rental service provider in Ezhou, recently succeeded in providing efficient and convenient mobile phone signal blocker rental services to a key high school in Ezhou City for its college entrance examinations, earning praise from the school and teachers alike.

  **Project Background**

  As the college entrance examinations approached, the high school aimed to ensure fairness and prevent cheating by implementing strict mobile phone signal shielding measures. Recognizing the high cost and complexity of purchasing equipment, the school opted for professional rental services. YuanTong Leasing, with its extensive experience and expertise, swiftly responded with a tailored rental solution.

  **Rental Service Details**

  - **Equipment Selection**: Based on the size of examination halls, building structures, and signal coverage requirements, YuanTong Leasing carefully selected high-performance signal blockers to ensure comprehensive shielding without disrupting nearby residents.

  - **Installation & Commissioning**: The professional team completed installation and commissioning a week before the exams, ensuring stable operation and preparing emergency response plans.

  - **Operational Training**: To ensure smooth operation, YuanTong Leasing provided detailed training to school staff, covering device operation, signal strength adjustment, and maintenance.

  - **Rental Period & Fees**: The rental covered the entire exam period, with reasonable and transparent fees, reflecting YuanTong Leasings commitment to honesty and professionalism.

  **Customer Feedback**

  After the exams, the school principal praised YuanTong Leasings service, stating, During this crucial period, your


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